If we look at the focus of technology vendors for analytics and business intelligence or business applications providers deploying these capabilities in the last five years, we see that they have elevated the importance on the value of visualization and dashboards. These promotions might be understandable, but will they make business and the people using them more intelligent?
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Big Data,
Data Science,
Machine Learning,
Business Intelligence,
Cloud Computing,
Digital Technology,
Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing
More than a year ago I wrote from personal experience about the challenges our firm encountered with Salesforce’s cloud computing systems and customer service and if we can trust them for business in the cloud. That perspective covered a range of issues that the behemoth cloud computing applications and platform company is facing regarding its service and technology. While Salesforce has shifted its customers like us and others to a different cloud computing environment, as it did in moving us...
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Big Data,
Office of Finance,
Cloud Computing,
Product Information Management,
Sales Performance Management,
Digital Commerce,
Sales and Operations Planning,
Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing,
Sales Enablement and Execution,
Machine Learning Digital Technology,
Sales Planning and Analytics