As global business increases competitive pressures, marketing departments face new challenges. They must anticipate and respond to frequently changing customer preferences and produce effective programs and campaigns to attract them. In the online world where customers can jump instantly from one company to another, Marketing must develop new ways to catch and hold their attention. Doing this well requires systematic, flexible planning that begins with the CMO and engages the entire department...
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Operational Performance Management (OPM),
Financial Performance Management (FPM),
Sales Performance Management (SPM)
Managing marketing performance is anything but simple. It requires establishing a unified approach to assess the outcomes of initiatives and projects and compare results with investments in marketing people and campaigns. In general, while performance management has been conducted effectively at the corporate levels, it has been a challenge for most lines of business, marketing departments included.
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Social Media,
Marketing Performance Management,
Marketing Planning,
Operational Performance Management (OPM),
Business Analytics,
Business Intelligence,
Business Performance Management (BPM),
Customer Performance Management (CPM),
Demand Generation,
Sales Performance Management (SPM)